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Marqeta Staff
Marqeta Staff

We've put together resolutions for common decline codes in the table below. 






Card Expired

Issue new card. To view Expiration via API- use “expiration” field /cards endpoint. Via Dashboard  use “expiration” on the card image.


Card Suspicious

To view Expiration via API- use “expiration” field /cards endpoint. Via Dashboard use “expiration” on the card image.

Double check the expiration entered.


Card Suspended

Determine reason for suspension. To view Card State via API use “state” field in /cards endpoint. In Dashboard the card state is present above the card image.


Card Stolen-pickup

Report Lost Stolen/Block Card and Reissue a new one via Dashboard


Card Lost

Report Lost Stolen/Block Card and Reissue a new one via Dashboard


Card Not Found

Associate card is not in Marqeta’s System. Confirm PAN information. 


Invalid Request

Transaction type in payload "unknown" - our system does not support the particular ITC received.


Not Sufficient Funds

For gateway JIT, transaction payload should have the message "Declined by gateway" and response code "402" under the gateway_log object - program needs to look at their gateway for any issues and for managed JIT . Funds need to be added to the account.


Card Not Active

Check card status and activate card. To view card “state” via API use “state field” in /cards endpoint. In Dashboard the card state is present above the card image.


Incorrect PIN

Confirm PIN number and resubmit


Cardholder Not Active

Transaction date offices outside the cardholder’s start and end dates. To view the cardholder’s status via api check the “status” field in the /users endpoint. Via Dashboard the user state is presented as the field “status”.


Cardholder Expired

Transaction date offices outside the cardholder’s end date. To view the cardholder’s status via api check the “status” field in the /users endpoint. Via Dashboard the user state is presented as the field “status”.


Usage Limit Reached

Check for the velocity controls for that card via Dashboard in the “Card velocity and auth controls” section.


Invalid CID

Confirm the 3 digit security code for the card before reattempting the transaction.


AVS Decline

Confirm the address associated with the cardholder before reattempting the transaction.Via API or webhooks transaction payload, "on_file" and "request" section under "address_verification" object.


AVS No Info

Confirm the address associated with the cardholder before reattempting the transaction.Via API or webhooks transaction payload, "on_file" and "request" section under "address_verification" object.


Auth restriction found for given MID or MCC

Cardholder is attempting to use the card at a blocked merchant. To check auth controls via Dashboard, go to “Card velocity and auth controls” section. 


Transaction amount limit reached

Confirm if the card allows for multiple transactions. If not, create a new card for a new transaction.


International transaction decline

Program is not set up to process international transactions. Confirm that this block is expected behavior. Contact Marqeta representative for resolution.


Exceeds max auth amount limit.

The transaction amount exceeds the velocity control set for the transaction. Control working as expected.


Account load fail

For gateway JIT,  the transaction payload should have the message "timeout" and response code "97" under the gateway_log object. Look at the gateway for any issues. For managed JIT - funds need to be added to the account.


Transactions not allowed from this country.

Confirm the countries allowed for your program.


More Marqeta Decline Codes

A full list can be found in our developer docs, it includes a response code table with possible values for the decline code.

Have a decline code to add to the table or other resolutions that have worked for you? Comment below so we can add your contribution. 


For further details on this please see related knowledge base articles:

How to troubleshoot card payment declines

How to use a webhooks response to find decline code

New Contributor II

Wow, this is really helpful, thanks!

Version history
Last update:
‎06-30-2021 06:10 PM
Updated by: