July 26, 2024
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Forum Posts

I'm Ahmed Siddiqui, Ask Me Anything! Live on 12/15

Zoom link (https://marqeta.zoom.us/j/89902384423?pwd=MDBNWVFVYkJTVS9jQVp4M2NQZ2wxUT09) I’m Ahmed Siddiqui, Chief Payments Officer at workforce payments platform Branch and author of The Anatomy of the Swipe. I’m excited to join the next Marqeta Dev A...

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I'm Randy Kern, Ask Me Anything! Live AMA 8/19 @ 11am PST

I’m Randy Kern, Chief Technology Officer at Marqeta and I’m excited to help kick off the community launch with an AMA! On Thursday, August 19th, I'll be hosting real-time AMA to answer your questions. Start submitting questions now, below. Here's how...

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Randy_Kern by Chief Technology Officer, Marqeta
  • 11 replies
  • 8 kudos

I'm Kevin Doerr, Marqeta's Chief Product Officer, Ask Me Anything!

I’m Kevin Doerr, Chief Product Officer at Marqeta and I’m excited to help kick off the community launch with an AMA! On Thursday, August 12th, I'll be hosting real-time AMA to answer your questions. Start submitting questions now below. Here's how it...

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Kevin_Doerr by Chief Product Officer, Marqeta
  • 15 replies
  • 9 kudos