March 13, 2025
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Can spending controls be reset on a card?

New Contributor

We have a use case where occasionally a client may reach their spend limit mid cycle and request a reset of the limit.

It appears that this can be achieved. From the API docs:

NOTE: Editing any of the following fields on a velocity control resets its usage and amount count to 0:

  •  merchant_scope.mcc
  •  merchant_scope.mid
  •  merchant_scope.mcc_group
  •  association.user_token
  •  association.card_product_token
  •  velocity_window

Can you please clarify whether changing one of these will reset the spent amount back to zero? If not, is there a way this can be achieved?


Marqeta Staff
Marqeta Staff

Hello, Dave!

After much research, I found out that editing any of the following fields on a velocity control DID NOT reset its usage or amount count to 0:

  • merchant_scope.mcc
  • merchant_scope.mid
  • merchant_scope.mcc_group
  • association.user_token
  • association.card_product_token
  • velocity_window

We plan to remove this admonition from the documentation. Thank you for bringing this anomaly to our attention!

As for your use case, someone suggested that you should update the spend control's amount_limit field to a higher value (as a way to give your cardholder more room temporarily), and then reset it to its previous value at a later date.

Would this work for you?

View solution in original post


Marqeta Staff
Marqeta Staff

Yes, Dave!

If you edit any of those velocity control fields, the velocity control will be reset to zero. Why don't you test it out and let us know if you are not getting the expected results?


New Contributor

Hello @stacy_love ,

I went ahead and created a sandbox and followed along the API guide. 

I simulated a card auth for $5.00

I then created a velocity control for $10.00 a day. 

When I list user velocity control balances I can see that the available amount reflects the $5.00 spent.

"available": {
                "uses": -1,
                "amount": 5.00,
                "days_remaining": 1

Now according to the docs if I change the velocity_window, the "velocity control resets its usage and amount count to 0".

I updated the control to a window of YEAR and then got the control balances again:

"available": {
                "uses": -1,
                "amount": 5.00,
                "days_remaining": 252

The amount DID NOT reset. Am I missing something?

New Contributor

In addition to this, I tried setting the uses to 10 and no matter what I changed (merchant_scope or velocity_window) it just kept showing 9 uses left and the amount never reset either.

Marqeta Staff
Marqeta Staff

Hi, Dave.

I am looking into this for you, but it is taking a while longer than I expected. I can say, however, that we validated what you showed us above and we got the same results... now we are trying to figure out why!

Thank you for your patience!

New Contributor

Thanks for the update. I appreciate you looking into it. It's pretty vital I understand how to reset the controls so I will anxiously await your findings. 

Marqeta Staff
Marqeta Staff

Hi again!

I think we have potentially identified part of the issue, Dave. On the Velocity Controls page, we have two admonitions that appear together but might contradict one another:

NOTE: If set to DAYWEEK, or MONTH, the velocity control takes effect retroactively from the beginning of the specified period. The amount and usage data already collected within the first period is counted toward the limits.

NOTE: Editing any of the following fields on a velocity control resets its usage and amount count to 0:

  • merchant_scope.mcc

  •  merchant_scope.mid
  •  merchant_scope.mcc_group
  •  association.user_token
  •  association.card_product_token
  •  velocity_window

Take a look at the second sentence of the first admonition that I italicized. Reading that, it sounds to me like editing the velocity window will not rest the usage and amount count to 0 like you want it to. Perhaps you could try editing another field from the enumeration presented in the second admonition instead?

I am under the impression that we will have to update the documentation by removing velocity_window from the enumeration above. However, the person we need to confirm this is out of the office until next week. I will keep you posted.  ๐Ÿ™‚

Sorry for the delay!

New Contributor

Hi @stacy_love ,

I wondered about that contradiction, however I still can't figure out a way to reset the control. I tried editing the merchant_scope.mid and while the edits work, nothing is reset.

If the velocity_window causes the control to be looking retroactively at the data, I thought I would try creating one without the velocity_window. This, of course, gave me an error:

    "error_message": "number_of_days or velocity_window must be populated",
    "error_code": "400163"

So I created a control with number_of_days. It's still looking at how much has been spent historically on the card. So the limit was $10 but it only shows $5 available:

"available": {
                "uses": -1,
                "amount": 5.00

I understand wanting the ability to retroactively use the transaction data. But I don't understand it being by default with no way to override it. 

It's a common request on corporate cards to have the profile reset mid cycle for additional approved spending. Other platforms we work with accommodate that without issue. I appreciate your continued help on this as we try and narrow in on a solution. 

I understand your concern about being able to perform a mid-cycle reset on a card to enable additional spending. It is a reasonable request. 

When I meet with the stakeholder next week, I will ask about the best way to achieve this.

Thanks, I'll look for an update next week.

Hello @stacy_love , 

Just checking in to see if you have an update on this yet.

Marqeta Staff
Marqeta Staff


Yes, I asked the question and have been given the runaround. I just escalated for you.  ๐Ÿ˜

I will keep you posted!

Marqeta Staff
Marqeta Staff

Hello, Dave!

After much research, I found out that editing any of the following fields on a velocity control DID NOT reset its usage or amount count to 0:

  • merchant_scope.mcc
  • merchant_scope.mid
  • merchant_scope.mcc_group
  • association.user_token
  • association.card_product_token
  • velocity_window

We plan to remove this admonition from the documentation. Thank you for bringing this anomaly to our attention!

As for your use case, someone suggested that you should update the spend control's amount_limit field to a higher value (as a way to give your cardholder more room temporarily), and then reset it to its previous value at a later date.

Would this work for you?

New Contributor

Hello @stacy_love,

I appreciate how responsive you've been to my questions on this. It's not the outcome I was hoping for but that manual way of making the card appear to be reset is the direction I'm already going with it. 

If it's not too much trouble to answer, could you tell me why this isn't supported? Just curious.

Thanks again.

Marqeta Staff
Marqeta Staff


I have been asking around, and will share detailsโ€”if anyโ€”next week.  ๐Ÿ˜Š


Marqeta Staff
Marqeta Staff

Hi, Dave!

No one is getting back to me with regards to your question; however, I have asked one last time for you. We will see how it goes!

Stay tuned!

Marqeta Staff
Marqeta Staff

I have a (partial) answer for you, Dave!

I was told that in most cases it's possible to simply issue a new card/user or raise the current limitโ€“if it's a user-based spend control. I learned that customers tend to do either of these actions instead of resetting the spend control.

I hope this helps! Thanks again for your patience.  ๐Ÿ˜Š

New Contributor

Thanks for the additional information @stacy_love